Xenia Palus
Xenia consistently offers much of her time and ideas to OWIG as an active member of the Steering Committee. Her vibrant personality is a well-loved staple at all committee meetings
Place of Birth: Western Michigan
Place of Work: Franklin County Clerk of Courts, Communications Director
Tenure at Current Place of Work: 10 years
OWIG Involvement: Member for 2 years, member of the Steering Committee for 2 years
With a rolodex of over 5,000 contacts, many will consider Xenia to be one of the most well-connected women in county government. And to what does she attribute this impressive accomplishment? Two things she holds dear: years of intentional collaboration and focused networking, much of which occurred during the nine years she spent as Membership Director at Experience Columbus. But her honesty was what ultimately allowed her to step into this pivotal role. When she was working for the City of Columbus, Xenia was the only person with the courage to report a payroll inconsistency she observed to the City Auditor. Her commitment to good government resulted in a $1 million returned payment, and brought her lasting respect from the Auditor. From that experience, she adopted an enduring practice of questioning things, and never being afraid to do so, even if just to gain more information.
Xenia also found a core tenet she lives by to this day: “Say what I mean and mean what I say (but NOT be mean saying it).” Those who know Xenia will also affirm that she lives by a true drive to help produce the greater good, as evidenced by her strong commitment to public service. In her words: “To be a public servant and to embrace my role in government is critically important in 2018. If I’m successful, then GOVERNMENT is working and doing its best for those served.”
Outside of work, Xenia serves as Vice President of Shadowbox Live and President of Thurber House, a nonprofit literary arts center. She also enjoys gardening at her home in Northwood Park Historic District, and welcomes any OWIG member to stop by any time for a personal tour and history lesson!